Patna: After uproar in the state Assembly over Bihar Special Armed Police Bill, Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Tejashwi Yadav slammed the Nitish Kumar-led government, claiming that this law means that search will be conducted without a warrant and "any policemen can arrest if he believes something is wrong".
On Tuesday, the Assembly session witnessed multiple adjournments as the RJD leaders shouted slogans against the Bihar Special Armed Police Bill, 2021. After a few Opposition leaders prevented Assembly Speaker Vijay Kumar Sinha from leaving his chamber, police personnel reached the Assembly premises to evict the MLAs. Women MLAs of the Opposition were carried out of the Assembly building by women security personnel.
RJD MLA Satish Kumar was also carried on a stretcher from the Bihar Assembly after he was allegedly manhandled by 'police and local goons' inside the Assembly during a protest against the Bill.
Also read:RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav released from detention
Following this, Tejashwi Yadav alleged that Opposition MLAs wanted to speak against the Bill but they were assaulted.
"We wanted to speak but we were thrashed. This law means that search will be conducted without a warrant and 'any policemen can arrest if they believe something is wrong'. There is no use of courts and magistrates," he said.