Katihar (Bihar):A 29-year-old woman on Friday pleaded for justice by filing an application in Bihar's Katihar court after her husband married her by faking his identity pretending to be a Hindu and then trying to force her to undergo a religious conversion.
Police said the victim, Archana of Manihari in Bihar, met her husband Tauqeer Alam on Facebook. Alam introduced himself as Raj Rajput to her. Both of them had fallen in love with each other through Facebook and in 2015, they got engaged as per Hindu rituals. In 2017, they did a court marriage in Katihar and the whole incident was disclosed when Archana reached her in-laws' house.
Also read:Woman alleges husband of faking his real identity, accused husband absconding
"We came to know each other through Facebook. He introduced himself as Raj Rajput and married me by hiding his identity. He always kept me at his sister's house and never took me to his parent's house. Only later I came to know that he is already married and belongs to another religion. I am being constantly harassed by him and his family members. They threaten me to covert my religion," said Archana.
"Orders have been given to investigate the whole matter. Whatever is legal, that action will be taken soon," saidJitendra Kumar, Superintendent of Police, Katihar.