Darbhanga: Following clashes between two communities in Mabbi and Kamtaul police station limits on two occasions recently, the Darbhanga administration in Bihar has imposed a ban on internet service from July 27 to July 30. As a precautionary measure, the state government has issued instructions asking the district administration to impose a ban on internet service for the next 72 hours commencing from Thursday (July 27).
The ban on the Internet was imposed under Section-5 of the Indian Telegraph Act 1885. The Home Department of the government of Bihar has issued a directive to the district administration to close all social networking sites, including the comprehensive Internet services facility.
The ban will be effective from July 27 (Thursday) 4:00 pm to July 30, 4:00 pm. Hence, people will not be able to operate Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, WeChat, Google, Skype, Snapchat, Telegram, YouTube as well as other social networking sites for the next three days.