Muzaffarpur: Amid a row over the upcoming Hanuman Katha by Bageshwar Dham chief Pandit Dhirendra Shastri in Naubatpur Bihar, a local court in the state's Muzaffarpur will on Wednesday hear a plea against Shastri in a case related to alleged hurting of Hindu sentiments. The matter will be heard by the court of Muzaffarpur's ACGM First West.
A complaint has been filed against Shastri by advocate Suraj Kumar. Oin the complaint, Kumar has alleged that Shastri compares himself with God, which has hurt the faith of the Hindus. Kumar said that Shastri has claimed himself to be an “incarnation of Lord Hanuman to protect the Hindu society”. A case has also been registered against the Bageshwar Dham chief on May 1 under sections 295(a), 298 and 505 of the IPC in this regard.
Also read:Complaint lodged against Bageshwar Dham with Mumbai police for controversial statement about Shirdi Sai Baba
All eyes are on today's hearing in the matter. The hearing comes amid a controversy an upcoming programme of the Bageshwar Dham chief to hold Hanuman Katha in Bihar's Naubatpur. The programme is going to be held at Taret Math in Naubatpur from May 13-17. The program was earlied scheduled to be held at Gandhi Maidan, however the venue was changed due to lack of permission.
A controversy erupted after Lalu Prasad Yadav's elder son and Bihar Forest and Environment Minister Tej Pratap Yadav asked officials to stop Dhirendra Shastri at the airport on his arrival. Yadav's directive was met with protests by Shastri's followers in the state. The Bageshwar Dham chief courted a controversy during a religious programme in Rajasthan recently where he described himself as the incarnation of Hanuman.