Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, who was instrumental in forging unity in the opposition camp to take on BJP in the general elections 2024, created suspense on his visit to Odisha on May 5. On Thursday, giving reply to reporters' query, the Chief Minister said, "I learnt about this from newspapers. I was a bit surprised that I was going to Odisha on May 5. When I will plan for Odisha, it will be known to you (reporters) accordingly." Chief Minister Nitish Kumar denied his visit to Odisha on May 5, but the suspense over his visit to Odisha remained.
Speculations are rife that JDU's Nitish Kumar will make a trip to Odisha after the Karnataka elections. If JDU sources are to be believed, Kumar will visit Odisha this week only. There was a possibility that Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar may visit Odisha before the Karnataka elections. Karnataka elections are slated for May 10 and results will be declared on May 13.