Nawada (Bihar) : A young man allegedly burnt his minor girlfriend alive after turning angry over her pregnancy in the Rajauli police station area of Bihar's Nawada district. The Police lodged FIR against four persons. According to the information received here, the lover flew into a rage after learning that the girl was pregnant. This incident is said to have taken place 4 days ago and it surfaced belatedly as the girl's parents were held hostage for a few days.
After the incident, the family members of the boy confined the girl's parents by placing them under illegal house arrest. On Friday, the girl's parents could free from the clutches of the boy on some excuse, came to the police station and complained about the murder. They have made a written complaint that their girl was killed.
"The father of the minor girl has given a written application to the police station. He has accused them of burning the girl to death. In the light of the written application, the investigation has been started by registering an FIR against four people"- Darbari Chowdhary, police station head. In a written application given to the police station, the father of the minor girl has admitted that his 16-year-old daughter was having a love affair with a young man from the same village.