Jehanabad (Bihar):An army official shot his wife dead on Ghosi-Jehanabad road in Bihar, the police said on Thursday. The deceased has been identified as Ruchi Kumari and a man, identified as Uday Kumar was also injured in the incident, they said. According to the police, Ruchi Kumari, her mother Pratima Devi and her relative Uday Kumar were returning from court after completing some work. When they reached Kadarua bridge, Ruchi's husband Gaurav Kumar and three others, who were waiting for Ruchi Kumari arrival, opened fire indiscriminately at her resulting in her death on the spot and Uday Kumar was seriously injured. After carrying out the crime, the accused fled the spot.
On receiving the information, the police reached the spot and admitted the injured to Sadar Hospital for treatment, who was later referred to PMCH for further treatment. "Ruchi Kumari was shot dead. Another man Uday Kumar was injured in the incident. The wife's name was added to the service book of the accused husband," Ajit Kumar, Kako Police station in-charge said. "My daughter was shot by Gaurav Kumar. He came to my house and asked to marry my daughter. In 2022, they got married," Pratima Devi reminded.