Patna:Ahead of the Supreme Court's final verdict on the Ayodhya title suit, Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi on Thursday came out with an impassioned plea for calm and patience, urging the people not to view the judgement as a matter of either victory or defeat.
In a statement issued here, the senior BJP leader requested the people of the state to accept the verdict of the Apex Court, "whatever it may be", with "dhairya" (forbearance) and "shanti" (tranquillity).
"Whenever the judgement is pronounced, neither side should treat it as a victory or a defeat. It shall not be seen as an occasion to rise up in celebrations or to go in mourning", Modi said.
The NDA shall treat the verdict merely as the victory of the rule of law. The matter has been hanging in balance for several years and we hope, with the judgement, a new era of amity and mutual trust shall be heralded in the country, the Deputy CM said.