Patna: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has seized properties worth Rs 34.75 crore, 119 bank accounts, two luxury vehicles and insurance policy documents under the anti-money laundering law after raiding several locations of Bihar-based Agrani Homes and its promoters in Patna. The company and its promoters have been accused of duping home buyers.
The ED is currently investigating the money laundering cases against them. An ED team raided one of the residences of CMD, Alok Singh in Yogipur while another team raided director, Ranveer Singh's apartment in Lakshya Cottage Apartment in Danapur. Also, ED visited many locations of the Agrani Homes this morning for conducting the raids.
Sources said ED has seized around Rs 34.75 crore properties along with 119 bank accounts with digital evidences, crypto currencies with gold coins and two luxury vehicles. It was leant that officials have managed to recover many bank account details along with land and contract papers of many flats from Ranveer Singh. Along with this, computers and hard disks were also seized during the raids. ED has been conducting the raids since Tuesday night at many locations of the company in Patna as well as Delhi, Lucknow and Banaras.
Also Read:ED seizes Mangaluru businessman's property
Agrani Homes is engaged in real estate business and is working on many projects in many different cities. The company has cases registered against it in many places. Customers have alleged that the company did not hand over the flats despite taking money. In Bihar, cases have been lodged against the company in Patna, Shahpur and Pataliputra police stations.