Begusarai (Bihar):In a horrifying incident that unfolded in Bihar's Neema Chandpura police station area, an eight-year-old girl fell victim to a brutal rape and murder. The heinous crime took place in a banana plantation, where her lifeless body was discovered. The young girl, who was at her maternal house, had ventured into the plantation on Monday morning with the innocent intention of cutting banana leaves.
As the hours passed without her return, anxiety engulfed her family, prompting them to initiate a search for the missing child. Tragically, after an extensive search, the worst fears of the family were confirmed when the lifeless body of the girl was found in the very banana plantation she had entered earlier. The grim discovery has plunged the family into chaos, leaving them grappling with the shock and grief of losing a loved one in such a brutal manner.
The girl's uncle, devastated by the incident, revealed, "She had left the house in the morning to cut banana leaves. When she did not return home after half an hour, a search was conducted. Three hours later, the body was found. Someone had murdered her after doing something wrong." The anguish and disbelief echoed through his words, reflecting the profound impact of the tragedy on the family.