Patna: The Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) on Wednesday claimed that 17 MLAs of the ruling JD-U were in touch with them to topple the Nitish Kumar government and to join the opposition party in Bihar. The Janata Dal-United, however, strongly denied the RJD claim.
Addressing the media, RJD leader Shyam Rajak said: "Many JD-U MLAs are upset with the BJP's style of functioning. The JD-U MLAs are upset over the manner in which the BJP is dominating the ruling alliance and taking swift decisions. The JD-U leaders do not want to allow the BJP to dominate their party; so, 17 MLAs of their MLAs are in constant touch with the RJD."
A former Minister, Razak claimed that the RJD would induct only those MLAs who are staunch supporters of socialism and secularism.