Muzaffarpur:A case was registered against four persons on Wednesday after a 15-year-old girl was gang-raped in Bihar's Muzaffarpur district. The incident occurred on Sunday night when the Class 10 student was alone at her residence. The accused forcefully abducted her in an unconscious state after feeding her an intoxicant.
The four took her to a house in another locality, thereby violating her. It is learned that the victim was let go on Monday, but her family was pressurized not to venture out by the accused. However, the victim and her mother approached Kanti Police Station on Tuesday, where they lodged a complaint against Deepak Kumar and Sanjeet Kumar, among the group of four.
Police Inspector Sanjay Kumar said, "An FIR has been lodged under the POCSO Act. Deepak Kumar and Sanjeet Kumar, as well as two other youth, have been identified as accused. Along with this, Deepak's mother, father, and sister have also been named for assaulting the victim."