Dibrugarh:The West Bengal Criminal Investigation Department (CID) team, which is probing into the death of IIT Kharagpur student hailing from Assam, on Sunday reached Dibrugarh to exhume the body and send it for post-mortem for the second time following the Calcutta High Court order.
Third-year mechanical engineering student of IIT Kharagpur, Faizan Ahmed, from Assam's Tinsukia was found dead under mysterious circumstances in his hostel room on October 14, 2022. The IIT Kharagpur authorities had termed the death as suicide but his family claimed that he was murdered. As per the initial police report, it was a case of suicide.
On April 25, the Calcutta High Court directed the West Bengal Police to re-investigate the matter following his father's appeal for a CBI-level inquiry. The court had said that a second post mortem was required for ascertaining the truth. A high court-appointed expert committee had submitted a report wherein it was mentioned that Faizan was hit at the back of his head. This crucial information was missing in the preliminary report that was submitted by the police.