Imphal:Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday visited the Indian National Army (INA) headquarters at Moirang in Manipur's Bishnupur district and hoisted the national flag. In Moirang, INA hoisted the tricolour for the first time on Indian soil. Shah also paid floral tributes to a photograph of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose at the memorial. He was accompanied by Chief Minister N Biren Singh. Shah is scheduled to address the public, and inaugurate and lay the foundation stone for projects worth Rs 1,300 crore.
Earlier in the day, Shah also unveiled a 120-feet-tall statue of a polo player riding a pony at Marjing Polo Complex in Manipur's Imphal East district. Manipur is considered the birthplace of the game. Shah was given a polo mallet and a painting of the game by Chief Minister N Biren Singh. The Union home minister, who arrived in Manipur on Thursday evening, will proceed to Churachandpur, where he inaugurated the hill district's first medical college and hospital.