Dibrugarh (Assam): A tragedy has struck a family in Assam’s Dibrugarh, where two brothers were washed away in the Brahmaputra River while performing the pind daan (prayers) for their deceased mother on Wednesday morning. As per Hindu belief, Pind daan is a ritual to pay homage to the deceased soul, which is performed by a close family member of the person who left for the heavenly adobe.
The tragic incident happened when Ananta Kakati and Baba Kakati of Amolapatty went to offer pind daan to their departed mother who died six months ago. As per the local inputs, Baba Kakati slipped into the river while offering the prayers. His younger Ananta immediately jumped in to rescue him, however, both were swept away by the strong currents. The incident was reported at 8.45 a.m. in Dibrugarh's Mohanaghat area.