Agartala:The Tripura police has achieved major success by seizing a huge cache of narcotics and arresting two persons from Rangutia village under Lefunga Police Station in the west district of the state on Tuesday. Speaking with reporters, Additional Superintendent of Police (Rural) Piyamadhuri Majumder said that they got a tip-off from the Special Task Force, which was formed under his surveillance after he joined the Tripura police. The raid was carried out around 2:30 am on Monday late night in a house at Rangutia village till 5 am.
Majumder said, “Based on a tip-off we seized a huge cache of narcotics, including 400 bottles of Phensidyl, 5000 Yaba tablets, many bottles of foreign liquors, Rs 2 lakh and one 9mm factory-made empty pistol, a car, from the house. The raid started at 2:30 am and continued till 5 am and these raids would be continued to free Tripura from drug menace”, police personnel said. Majumdar also informed that two accused identified as Ratan Deb (39) and his nephew Anup Deb (26) were also arrested and they are being interrogated as the gun found in their possession is for their personal use.