Agartala: Tripura Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha on Sunday attended the 7th meeting of the Governing Council of NITI Aayog in New Delhi chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in which Dr. Saha informed that the Tripura government had taken a host of initiatives to get ready for future including setting up a 'Drone Technology Centre' at a cost of Rs 5 crore for promoting the use of drones.
In the meeting, Dr. Saha briefed about steps taken in the Agriculture sector, Urban Governance, and Education sector in relation to New Education Policy (NEP). He spoke about a series of initiatives including crop diversification and achieving self-sufficiency in oilseeds and pulses and other agricultural commodities. While speaking about future readiness, he has informed that around nine decisions were taken by the state government.
He said, "Among the future readiness, the universities of the state are taking steps to introduce Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) for all the Higher Education institutions to provide students with freedom in acquiring degree across the institutions in the country." Apart from that, he said that the curriculum and syllabi of the subjects offered in general degree colleges are being reframed to incorporate a multidisciplinary approach to take care of employability prospects, irrespective of the combination of subjects at the UG or PG level.