Agartala: The Bharatiya Janata Janjati Morcha (BJJM), the tribal wing of the ruling BJP in Tripura on Friday held a protest rally against the corruption and under-development in the Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council (TTAADC) and submitted a memorandum to the Governor Satyadeo Narayan Arya demanding an investigation in irregularities in financial and misappropriation of public funds.
While sharing the details, BJJM state general secretary Devid Debbarma said the memorandum was submitted before the governor through all the sub-zonal development officers. "There is rampant corruption and nepotism in the walk-in interview for the employment of teacher in the district council. This has been reported in the press and social media and we have also raised the issues many times but the authorities remain silent and reluctant to give any explanation on this matter, which shows the involvement of vested interest," he said.
He has also shared a copy of a memorandum in which the party has claimed that the state government on the request of TTAADC has released the fund of Rs 30 crore in a single installment, taking into the view of urgency for quality health service. "The work has not yet been completed and it has been found that the funds allotted for this purpose have remained either unspent or has been deviated for other purposes thereby depriving the indigenous people of Tripura of better health care," the memorandum reads.