Guwahati (Assam):Ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has decided to change its Assam Mahila Morcha president. Assam BJP chief Bhavesh Kalita on Wednesday appointed Swapna Bonia as the new president of BJP's Mahila Morcha, the women's wing of the party. Swapna Bonia previously worked in various capacities for the BJP in the northeastern state.
Meanwhile, senior BJP leader Rabindranath Raju of Haryana was appointed as the organising secretary of the party for Assam in place of Phani Sharma. It is understood that Assamese actor Angoorlata Deka is busy setting up a new business in New Delhi.
Angoorlata had been an active in the state and was a known face of the BJP. However in view of the 2024 General elections, the BJP replaced her. Assam has 14 Lok Sabha seats and is an important for the BJP. Assam has a BJP government with Himanta Biswa Sarma as the Chief Minister.