Agartala: A ruckus broke out on Friday between the MLAs of BJP and Tipra MOTHA parties inside the Tripura assembly over a purported video showing BJP MLA Jadav Lak Nath watching porn inside the assembly. The virtual tug of war between the MLAs is also being widely shared on social media. Sources said that the ruckus broke out soon after opposition party leader, Animesh Debbarma raised a question on the porn movie-watching by BJP MLA, Jadav Lak Nath and demanded action against him.
Jadav represents the Tripura Bagbassa Assembly seat. While Opposition leader Debbarma wanted a debate on the issue, the Speaker of the House turned down the request and instead asked the opposition MLAs to focus on “some other important issues” which enraged the opposition leaders. This led to chaos inside the assembly as MLAs of opposition parties started agitating and shouting slogans in favour of their demand.