New Delhi: The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) on Sunday condemned the ongoing violence in Manipur and appealed to the government, including local administration, police, security forces and central agencies to take every possible step to restore peace immediately.
In a statement, RSS general secretary Dattatreya Hosabale also urged them to ensure a seamless supply of relief materials to those displaced due to the violence, along with "necessary actions to maintain peace and harmony" in the northeastern state. Stressing that there is no place for hatred and violence in a democratic setup, the RSS said both sides should overcome the trust deficit, which caused the present crisis, and initiate dialogue to restore peace.
The RSS also appeals to the civil society, political groups and the general public of Manipur to take every possible initiative to put an end to the present "chaotic and violent situation" and also ensure safety of human lives and permanent peace, he said. "The continuous violence that is going on in Manipur for the last 45 days is extremely worrisome. The violence and uncertainty that started in Manipur after a protest rally organised in Churachandpur on May 3 at the time of Lai Haraoba festival is condemnable," the RSS general secretary said.
He said it is very unfortunate that the spate of unrest and violence that erupted afterwards among those who have been living a peaceful life with mutual harmony and cooperation for centuries has not yet stopped". "The Sangh appeals to the government, including local administration, police, military and the central agencies to take every possible step to immediately stop this painful violence, ensure the seamless supply of relief materials among the displaced along with necessary actions to maintain peace and harmony, Hosabale said.