New Delhi: "The number of complaints lodged by tribals with the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes from Manipur is on the rise after violence broke out. However, we can't disclose how many complaints they have received till date", said Harsh Chauhan, chairman of the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST). Speaking to ETV Bharat, the Chairman of the ST Commission said, "There is no surprise in the sudden rise in complaints from Manipur as whenever there is violence, this pattern was observed." It may be recalled that Manipur is in the grip of ethnic violence between the tribals Kuki-Zomi-Naga and the Meitei communities. More than 100 people have been killed and over 50,000 have been displaced since the violence erupted on May 3.
Excerpts from the interview
Q We have been seeing the ethnic strife between the tribal communities in Manipur, especially between the Kukis and Meitis. Any details on the number of complaints received by the NCST from Manipur?
Yes, we have been receiving several complaints from Manipur since the violence erupted. It's a continuous process. We are also in touch with the Union and the state governments.
QHow many complaints have you received from Manipur since May 3?
We can't release the data at this moment. As I told you, it's a routine and a continuous process. We cannot say or comment anything on this as we don't have the authority. But, I can say this with conformity that we are in touch with the Centre and the State governments.
QAny specific details that you can share with us?