Agartala: Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb on Saturday approached Union Home Minister Amit Shah who also happens to be the chairman of North East Council with a slew of demands ranging from subtle changes in the devolution formula of funds meant for the North East Council to expediting the externally aided projects.
Deb in his a little over eight minutes brief speech at 69th Plenary session of North East Council at Shillong dwelt on the several initiatives taken by Tripura government for the economic upliftment of the state and tried attracting the attention of the Union Home Minister and DoNER minister Jitender Singh towards the blind spots that are required to be addressed or given significance too.
He said, "the Centre has decided to earmark 10 per cent of its yearly budget for the North East under all the departments. But, as per the previous experience, only 3 per cent of the funds are given for the North East. If the 10 per cent fund can be really given in time, it will be very good news for the North East".
Moving ahead with the decisions of the previous NITI forum meeting Deb said, "in the meeting in the year 2018, it was decided that various projects would be given under tea, fishery, dairy and bamboo for the North East. Tripura had already submitted projects under those sectors and my request is to expedite the projects".
The Chief Minister then spoke about the defunct airport at Kailashahar under Unakoti district of Tripura which was supposed to be relinked with the air connectivity map. "Under the Udan scheme there was a proposal to reinstate the airport but the AAI (Airport Authority of India) started bidding for airlines before it was ready for landing. If the airport were not ready, no airlines would come there to participate in bidding. Thus, it was required to look into the matter for the overall betterment of Tripura", he observed.
The Chief Minister also assured that if the NEC helped Tripura to have a 20 seater aircraft from HAL then the government would take steps to arrange a whole North East tour through the air.