Barpeta (Assam): In a horrific incident, a woman and her daughter were hacked to death in the Barpeta district of Assam on Friday. The accused Rishabh Das killed his wife Binita Das and daughter Hiya Das with a sharp weapon. The accused was arrested by the Barpeta police. Sources said that Rishabh Das runs a stationery shop in the Gandhinagar locality of Barpeta district. On Friday evening at around 4.30 pm, people rushed to Rishabh's house after hearing screams. The neighbors were shocked to see the bodies of Binita Das and her daughter Hiya Das lying on the floor in a pool of blood.
The crime scene was horrendous. Both bodies were soaked in blood and the mother-and-daughter duo was together grasping each other tightly at the time of their deaths. During the macabre incident, Hiya's friend and her mother were present inside the house. First of all, the accused attacked his wife with a sharp weapon called "Dao". Daughter Hiya came forward to save her mother. She was also attacked by the accused. The assailant hit his wife and daughter with the "Dao" multiple times. The duo died on the spot.