New Delhi: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) Special Court Guwahati on Tuesday convicted another accused in a conspiracy case related to the formation of a Hizbul Mujahideen (HM) module, a banned terrorist organisation, informed officials. The accused, Md Saidul Alam of district Hojai, Assam, has been sentenced to five years of rigorous imprisonment with a fine.
"Five people were chargesheeted by the NIA on March 11, 2019, and two of them, identified as Md. Sahnawaj Alom and Md. Omar Faruque was convicted by the NIA Court on December 23, 2022," read an official release from NIA. The case was originally registered at P.S. Jamunamukh, District Hojai, Assam under various sections of the IPC and UA(P) Act.
The NIA re-registered the case on October 5, 2018. NIA investigations revealed that the three convicted accused had conspired with one Kamruj Zaman to establish a Hizbul Mujahideen (HM) module in Assam. "During 2017-2018, they organised a series of meetings in various mosques, such as Milonpur Masjid, Islampur Masjid and Solmari Masjid, in and around the Jamunamukh area.