Namsai: Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Saturday said that his government was committed to fostering an environment of public partnership and communication to support the active participation of civil society groups in sustainable development. Speaking at the inaugural session of the C20 summit here, Khandu said his government recognises the immense value that civil societies bring to the table -- their expertise, local knowledge, and community-driven initiatives.
He lauded the C20 summit, which he said would serve as an exceptional platform for dialogue, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among civil society organisations from around the world to promote social and economic development. "As we celebrate the completion of nine years of service, good governance and welfare of the poor under the exceptional leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India is on a mission to bring about a shared global future for all," he said.
Maintaining that Arunachal Pradesh has grown by leaps and bounds over the last few years, Khandu said the "unparalleled progress" of the state was the credit of the civil society organisations. "In Arunachal Pradesh, our engagement with civil society organisations takes a unique form through the active involvement of community-based organizations (CBOs). Each year, as the state budget is prepared, we ensure that the voices of these CBOs are not only heard but embraced with utmost respect and consideration," he said.