Agartala: Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb Kumar on Sunday in reference to the Communist Party of India (Marxist) party's deep-rooted political activities stated that ‘ghosts still exist’ in the state during an election rally at Manughat in Dhalai district.
He said, “the partyKaryakartas—be it Pristha Pramukh or state-level leaders— should not think that the CPI-M has lost its existence in the state. They must remember that the ghosts never die.”
The Chief Minister on Sunday launching a scathing attack against the Left Front said that the previous government did not even have a proper budget for Autonomous District Council (ADC). Even though the Left Front was in power in the state for a long time, there was no development in the state, he said.
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“But, our government brought additional budget for an all-round growth of the ADC areas,” Deb said. The Chief Minister also slammed the previous Left Front government stating, “The construction of roads in the ADC was stalled for a long time since 2006."