Gauhati: The Gauhati High Court on Sunday directed the Bharalumukh Police Station to register cases against nine police personnel of that particular police station. Gauhati High Court ordered to register a case against ASP Panjit Duwarah, SI Pritam Saikia, Kankan Mahanta, Afzal Hussain, ASI Chanda KR Mudoi, constable Rajendra Yadav, Jadumoni Nath, Rubul Nath and home guard Babul Ali.
It may be recalled that in 2018, one of the accused, Manoj Upadhyay, faced police torture at the police station. According to sources, Manoj Upadhyay was physically assaulted for three consecutive days by nine police personnel at Bharlumukh Police Station in Gauhati. He was arrested based on a complaint lodged at Bharlumukh police station.