Imphal: Fresh clashes broke out between demonstrators and police personnel in Manipur's Churachandpur town on Friday night, with the security forces using batons, tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the mob. Rumours are flying that several people were killed and injured in police action in the town, hours after a bandh called by Indigenous Tribal Leaders Forum (ITLF) concluded at 4 pm. However, no official confirmation was available.
The eight-hour shutdown, called to protest against the eviction of Kuki villagers from protected forests, paralysed normal life in the tribal-dominated southern Manipur district. Earlier in the day, clashes erupted between demonstrators and police at Sadbhavna Mandap in New Lamka in Churachandpur district, the venue where Chief Minister N Biren Singh was scheduled to address a public meeting.
The chief minister, however, deferred the visit following protests and the call for the bandh. Stone throwing by protestors, firing of tear gas shells and rubber bullets by security personnel were reported from areas such as New Lamka, Tuibong Bazaar, Sielmat bridge, Lanva bridge and T Champhai, police sources said. Officials said that police were forced to lob tear gas shells to disperse a large crowd which had gathered in New Lamka and was throwing stones at security forces deployed in the bandh-hit town.
There were no injuries despite the stone-throwing. Deployment of forces will continue to oversee the situation, officials said. The chief minister was scheduled to address a public meeting at Sadbhavna Mandap and inaugurate an open gym at PT Sports complex, both in New Lamka town. However, on Thursday a protesting mob had attacked the venue and set fire to about 100 chairs and other equipment.