Agartala: Former Tripura Chief Minister Manik Sarkar on Tuesday said that his party had strongly opposed the attempt to privatise government-controlled and managed hospitals in the state, including a Cancer Hospital. In a letter to Chief Minister Dr Manik Saha, Sarkar, also leader of the opposition, said, "As you know the present Cancer Hospital in Agartala is the result of long efforts. Subsequent efforts were taken to gradually transform it into a self-contained treatment centre for cancer patients to rely on. In this process, the sincere and tireless role of the doctors working in the hospital for years was unparalleled."
Also read:BJP never played any role in India’s independence: Former Tripura CM
Referring to a news that was published in a local daily, Sarkar further wrote in his letter that the newspaper has reported that efforts are underway to hand over the hospital to private capitalists and turn it into a profit-making business for looters. "In another news, it was seen that a doctor, who is one of the most dependable for cancer patients, has been removed from his duties recently. All in all, the whole thing surprised us. We oppose any attempt to privatise any government-controlled and managed health centres, including Cancer Hospitals. Rather, I demand that the government allocate more money for the all-round development of the health service system while maintaining continuity and improving and ensuring effective monitoring on a regular basis."
Sarkar has also demanded that the Chief Minister ensure that doctors, nurses and health workers everywhere can work in their workplaces with dignity and respect. "I hope that as the Chief Minister and Health Minister, you will take an appropriate role in the relevant matters mentioned," the letter of Sarkar reads.