According to the Superintendent of Railway Police Hemanta Kumar Das, the three Rohingyas spotted and apprehended by the GRP personnel in the afternoon, were being interrogated at present.
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According to the Superintendent of Railway Police Hemanta Kumar Das, the three Rohingyas spotted and apprehended by the GRP personnel in the afternoon, were being interrogated at present.
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The three have been identified as Samshu Alam (51), Shamsu Alam (32) and Shabir Ahmed (64), Das said. On January 21, 30 Rohingya Muslims, including 12children, were apprehended along the Tripura-Assam border.
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Five members of a Rohingya family were deported to Myanmar on January 3, exactly three months after seven others were handed over to the authorities of the neighbouring country. On October 3 last year, seven Myanmarese nationals, who were in detention in Cachar Central Jail in Silchar, were deported from Assam. PTI TR