Itanagar:Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu Monday said his government's top priority is to strengthen the law and order apparatus in the state. The state government last year had allocated adequate funds to the police department for procurement of arms and other equipment, he said. "To strengthen the police forces in the state, the cabinet has sanctioned immediate creation of 1,000 posts of civil police in different levels which will go a long way in effective maintenance of law and order," Khandu told reporters at the Assembly premise here.
The chief minister said that the DGP on Sunday informed that the procurement process has been completed and hopefully, all the equipment will be made available by the end of this month.
In the education sector, another priority area of the new government, Khandu informed that the state cabinet has approved the creation of only one director for School Education by merging the posts of directors of Elementary Education and Secondary Education.
Referring to the growing unemployment problem in the state, the chief minister said the state government has already re-structured the state's Industrial Policy and would explore all possible potential areas including efforts to invite outside investment in private as well as public sectors for gainful employment. On the dilapidated roads in the state, especially in the state capital, Khandu who also holds the charge of the PWD. The department said he has held a meeting with the deputy chief minister Chowna Mein on the issue and planning to bring a change in the communication network particularly in twin capital cities of Itanagar and Naharlagun. "Sector roads and colony roads will be first developed," he said.