Guntur (Andhra Pradesh): A woman who went to Pushkara Ghat in Sitanagaram of Tadepalli in Guntur district was gangraped in front of her fiance after the accused tied him up. Tadepalli police are suspecting a local gang's involvement and special teams are formed to nab the culprits. The girl studying nursing went with her fiance, a petrol pump staffer on Saturday night.
According to the victims, they were attacked by some unknown persons who managed to subdue the man, tied his hands and legs and gangraped the girl. They lodged a complaint with Tadepalli police station after rescued. The girl was sent to Guntur Government Hospital for the treatment. The families of the boy and the girl were informed of the incident. The girl's mother said that his daughter was recently engaged with the boy and she demanded strict action against the culprits.
Police suspect that the local gang known to be Blade Batch were responsible for the incident and four persons were taken into custody. Guntur Urban SP Arif Hafeez said that three special teams have been formed to investigate the incident and the culprits will be caught soon.