Amravati: The eleventh day of farmers' Maha Padayatra on Thursday in Andhra Pradesh has been chaotic as police imposed restrictions. As tension mounted in the Chadhawada area in Prakasam district, police unleashed lathi charge and a farmer's hand got fractured. Imposing stringent restrictions, roads were cordoned off and checkposts were set up by police to prevent people from joining the padayatra.
The padayatra started from Naguluppalapadu to Muktinuthalapadu in Prakasam district on Thursday. The Maha Padayatra kickstarted by Amaravati farmers to put forth the demand of maintaining Amaravati as the sole capital of Andhra Pradesh. Under aegis of the Amaravati Joint Action Committee (JAC), it has been planned that agitators will walk 10 to 15 kilometres daily.