Guntur (Andhra Pradesh): In a tragic incident, a mother, who was educating her kids, by working as a daily wage labourer lost her son. Due to lack of guidance, one of her sons lagged behind in his studies, but the teacher, who was supposed to understand the situation and help the student, chose to insult him by snatching away his lunch saying that, illiterate people don't deserve food. The offended student died by suicide due to the embarrassment.
According to the victim's family and the police, Anjamma's husband from Guntur Railpet died by suicide eight years ago. Since then, she has been working as a labourer and educating her two children. The youngest son Akash (18), who was studying IX standard in a government school, was reprimanded by a teacher a week ago for not studying properly.
One day, Akash went with his fellow students to have lunch in the school. The teacher came there and snatched the plate from Akash's hand and scolded him "Why do illiterate people need food?" Akash felt insulted and complained to his mother after coming home. The mother consoled him and sent him to school again. A few days later, he again came home crying from school saying that the teacher scolded him and told him to enrol in the Class X external exam due to his poor grades. His mother assured him that the situation will improve in a few days.