Darsi (Andhra Pradesh): At least seven persons were killed after a state-run bus carrying a wedding party plunged into Nagarjuna Sagar Project Canal (NSP Canal) near Darsi town in Andhra Pradesh's Prakasam district during the wee hours on Tuesday, officials said. The deceased include a six year old and a dozen others who were travelling in the bus were injured in the mishap.
The deceased were identified as Abdul Aziz (65), Abdul Hani (60), Sheikh Rameez (48), Mulla Noorjahan (58), Mulla Jani Begum (65), Sheikh Shabeena (35), and Sheikh Heena (6) of Podili village. The accident took place when the bus was heading to Kakinada in the erstwhile East Godavari district from Podili in Prakasam district.
Prakasam Superintendent of Police Malika Garg, who called on the victims of the accident, said that the bus driver swerved the vehicle to the left side to avoid hitting something that suddenly came in front of the bus. Then, the bus hit a concrete structure when the driver lost control over the vehicle which jumped over the railings and fell into the canal, the SP said.
The hired RTC bus started journey at Podili at 12.35 am and met with accident at around 12.50 am. As the bus plunged vertically into the canal, those sitting in the front seats came under heavy impact and lost their lives.