New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday directed the Andhra Pradesh government to refrain from transferring funds from State Disaster Relief Fund(SDRF) to personal deposit accounts and take corrective action for money already transferred. SDRF fund is being utilized to distribute ex gratia amount to the kins of those who died due to Covid 19 in the pandemic.
"State of Andhra Pradesh has diverted funds from SDRF to personal deposit account which is not permissible at all under Disaster Management Act," observed the court.
"Issue notice to only the state of Andhra Pradesh returnable on 28 April 2022. ASG Aishwarya Bharti accepts notice on behalf of the Union of India. In the meanwhile state of Andhra Pradesh is hereby restrained from transferring funds from SDRF to a personal deposit account. If already transferred the same shall not be utilized for purposes other than the provisions of the disaster management act," ordered the court.