Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh): The CCS police launched a probe into the kidney racket under the supervision of Vizag Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Anand Reddy. Police detained the owner of Tirumala Hospital, Dr Parameshwar Rao, who was instrumental in removing the kidney from the victim. The doctor was being grilled by the police and they are also questioning the arrested gang members of the kidney racket Kanakaraj, Srinu and Ileana.
Police sealed the Tirumala Hospital and further investigation is being carried out. Besides, the police are on a lookout for Dr Srikanth, who removed the kidney of cab driver Vinay Kumar without informing the authorities concerned overseeing the organ donation. The special police team has gone to Kakinada as there was information that he was hiding there.
On the other hand, the cab driver Vinay Kumar, whose kidney was removed by the racketeers, has been admitted to King George Hospital (KGH) to undergo tests. Police had admitted Vinay to the hospital to confirm whether his kidney was removed or not. But, the victim's family members without procuring the discharge slip, forcibly took Vinay to home. The victim's kin alleged that hospital authorities are conducting several tests on the victim and not providing proper treatment.