Kurnool (Andhra Pradesh) : MP Avinash Reddy's followers created anarchy in Kurnool city at 10.30 pm on Sunday night. Several media persons who were on duty at the Vishwa Bharati Hospital in the Gayatri Estate area were attacked. At first, the MP's followers attacked the RTV representatives and Andhra Jyoti reporter Venkateswarlu, asking what they were doing there at night.
As a result, the rest of the media representatives had to run away from there. Cameras from the hands of some media representatives were snatched and destroyed. ETV representative Ramakrishna Reddy went to hide in a nearby hotel and he was chased. They closed the shutters of the hotel and tried to attack him but let him go after seeing the 'ETV' logo in the bag.
Around 60 to 70 followers of the MP reached the area on Sunday morning and stayed in the nearby lodges. By nightfall, they got drunk, reached the road, and started the attacks. Actually, no one else was allowed to enter that street. They inquired about the media representatives waiting near the hospital.
Avinash Reddy's followers talked to the people standing on the road and checked whether they represented the media or not. After checking their cell phones and confirming that they are not media representatives, they asked them to go away. Seeing the fury of Avinash Reddy's followers, the police were also afraid to go near them.