Koderu (Andhra Pradesh): A person strangled two children due to a family quarrel and later tried to die by suicide. The incident took place on a hill in the suburbs of the Ettham village of Koderu mandal in Nagar Kurnool district. Omkar, from Kudikilla, got married to Maheshwari, from the same village, four years ago. They have two children Chandana (3) and Vishwanath (1). On Wednesday, Omkar took his two children and his wife on a two-wheeler, saying that he would undergo a vasectomy procedure in Nagar Kurnool, according to sources.
While coming from Kollapur on the way to Pedtakottapally, there was a fight between the husband and wife. Maheshwari jumped from the two-wheeler after Omkar threatened to kill her. Maheshwari fled and approached the police at Peddakottapalli Police Station. She said that the husband took the two children and threatened to kill them. Omkar went to a hill on the outskirts of Itcham village in Koderu mandal with the two children. He left the two-wheeler at a nearby farm and took the children to the hill. He slit their throats with the knife he had brought with him. After that, he also cut his own throat and came down from the hill and fell on the road.