Guntur: A young BDS student died after her dejected lover slit her throat in Takkellapadu in Pedakakani mandal of Andhra Pradesh's Guntur district on Monday. The accused, who tried to die by suicide by cutting his wrist, has been detained by police. According to police, Tapasvi, a third-year BDS student, hailing from the Krishnapuram area of Pamidimukkala mandal in Krishna district was sitting with her friend at the latter's house in Takkellapadu.
The accused Gnaneshwar arrived on the spot and slit her throat with a surgical blade leaving her in a pool of blood. When the friend went out screaming, Gnaneshwar closed the doors and dragged Tapasvi from one room to another. Locals broke the door and rushed Tapasvi to a hospital in Guntur where she succumbed to injuries.