Amaravati: In a bizarre incident, a highly educated couple, had allegedly killed their two daughters in their 20s at Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, hoping that they would come back to life within hours due to spiritual power as the Kali Yuga ends, turning into the Satya Yuga, police said on Monday.
In fact, the man himself was said to have called one of his colleagues over the phone soon after the incident on Sunday night and disclosed the killings. The shocked colleague immediately tipped off the police, who rushed to the couple's house and found them in a trance.
Police suspect that the family had apparently been following certain occult practices for some time now. According to Madanapalle Deputy Superintendent of Police Ravi Manoharachari, it was the mother who bludgeoned the daughters to death. "One of the daughters was tonsured before she was killed," he said.
The man remained a spectator as his wife went about the alleged killings. The younger daughter was first killed with a trident. Then, the elder one was bludgeoned with a dumbbell. Police sources said that the couple had actually planned to kill themselves as well to prove that they would come back alive but the timely entry of police personnel averted the possible suicide.