Amaravati: "Amara Raja Batteries is not moving out, the government is in fact evicting the company from the State" said Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy, Advisor to Government (Public Affairs) of Andhra Pradesh. The reaction from the ruling party's chief troubleshooter is not anew as he had made similar remarks on Amara Raja's possible exit citing government's harassment. Minister Botsa Satyanarayana had earlier commented that the government did not pressurise Amara Raja to move and that the decision to move out was for-profit.
Such comments reflect the irresponsibility of people in key positions who should be trying to stop a huge industry from leaving from the state. Any industry has to ensure that it has to comply with the laid down norms. There's no second thoughts on it. Non-compliance, if any, should be dealt with later exhausting all avenues of reconciliation instead of pushing industries out.
Amara raja joins the list of industries displaced by government harassment. Governments usually offer red carpet welcome to anyone who proposes to invest in their State and dole out concessions as much as they can. But this YSRCP government is different! It neither invites new industries nor pays adequate attention to protect the existing investments. Industries established during the previous regimes or those of which having any links to the opposition face harassment.
The Jagan government has been harassing Amara Raja group since it belongs to TDP MP Galla Jayadev. The harassments forced the company to shelve its proposed expansion in Chittoor district. It is learnt that the company at one stage was planning to move to Tamil Nadu.
However, Telangana government which got the whiff of the expansion plan of the group offered a conducive environment for the development and further expansion of Amara Raja group in Telangana. Telangana IT and Industries Minister KT Rama Rao aka KTR took special interest and promised full support.