Amaravati: Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said here on Wednesday that revival of the nations economy post-Covid lockdown was clearly visible and the indicators looked positive. "We are getting good positive marks from high frequency indicators. And, indicators from all states show a revival," she pointed out.
"I have been speaking with industry leaders directly who say we reached pre-Covid capacity utilisation. So revival is clearly visible," Sitharaman told a press conference during a visit to Vijayawada.
On GST compensation that has become a contentious issue with some states, the Finance Minister said the GST Council would meet again on the 12th.
"We had a seven-hour long discussion with all states. Again we are going to meet on the 12th. That will decide how things are on compensation related matters," she said.
Also Read:Congress, opposition cheating farmers over farm legislation: Sitharaman
The GST Council was already in agreement that the compensation cess collection should go beyond five years. "It was only meant to be collected for five yearsthe transition five years. But the GST Council decided to continue collecting the cess. So that is very clear," Sitharaman noted.
On the three farm-related laws recently enacted by the Centre, Sitharaman said the protests being carried out in various states were based only on "political motives".
"They are opposing the laws only for politics, even forgetting their own promises made in their 2019 election manifesto," she said, referring to the Congress manifesto.