Amaravati: In what has now come to be known as the 'ESI Scam' unearthed by the Andhra Pradesh vigilance department, Rs 151 crore was allegedly misappropriated in the Insurance Medical Services between 2014 and 2019 when the Telugu Desam Party was in power in the state.
The state Vigilance and Enforcement Department conducted an inquiry and unearthed facts in the case and the Anti-Corruption Bureau followed it up with a further investigation, leading to the arrest of the then Labour Minister Kinjarapu Atchannaidu and five other officials of the IMS on Friday.
When it unearthed the 'scam' in February, the Vigilance said three Directors of Insurance Medical Services were the "kingpins of the procurement scam in the ESI, where gross irregularities were committed in purchase of drugs, medicines, lab kits, surgical items and furniture between 2014-15 and 2018-19, causing a loss of over Rs 151 crore to the state exchequer."
The ACB took the investigation further, on the recommendation of the Vigilance and Enforcement Department, and arrested the former minister and others today.
Along with Atchannaidu, former Directors of Insurance Medical Services B Ravi Kumar and G Vijay Kumar were arrested in Tirupati and Rajamahendravaram respectively.
A retired joint director V Janardhan was arrested in Kadapa while superintendent M K Chakravarthy (currently under suspension) and senior assistant E Ramesh Babu were arrested in Vijayawada.
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Of the total Rs 975.79 crore worth of purchases made during the period, the three DIMS, along with other staff, violated all procedures and guidelines of the government and ESIC and caused "huge wrongful loss to the exchequer," a Vigilance report prepared by Director General K V Rajendranath Reddy has said.
B Ravi Kumar, C K Ramesh Kumar (retired) and G Vijaya Kumar were the three directors of Insurance Medical Services during the five-year period of TDP and were found guilty of the large-scale irregularities, it said.