Amaravati (Andhra Pradesh): A team of Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Saturday reached Visakhapatnam to initiate an investigation in the arrest of Dr. K Sudhakar Rao, who was suspended two months ago, after he publicly criticised the Pradesh government for failing to provide N95 masks to the doctors treating COVID-19 patients.
CBI has been ordered by the Andhra Pradesh High Court to investigate the arrest.
Sudhakar Rao, a civil assistant surgeon at Area Hospital in Narsipatnam, was arrested by the police in Visakhapatnam on May 16th for allegedly creating nuisance on the road at Akkayyapalem.
In a video of the incident, the policemen could be seen manhandling the doctor, who was seen shirtless to the waist. He was dragged and bundled into an auto-rickshaw. He was, later, shifted to the King George Hospital, where doctors found him in an inebriated condition and was subsequently referred to the Government Hospital for Mental Health, where he received treatment for acute and transient psychosis.
The police booked the doctor under the Indian Penal Code sections 353 (Assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of his duty) and 427 (Mischief causing damage to the amount of Rs 50).