Hyderabad : TDP supremo and AP former Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu was taken into police custody at Nandyala in Andhra Pradesh in the skill development case on Saturday morning. Tensions prevailed at the RK function hall in the town where Naidu stayed in his bus during the night. A large number of policemen descended at the place prior to Naidu's arrest.
On receiving information about this, the TDP leaders and activists had also gathered in large numbers at the venue. There was a heated exchange of words, pushing and shoving between the Telugu Desam Party cadres and the police. When Naidu asked how he could be arrested without any prima facie evidence, the police informed him that they had produced the necessary documents before the High Court. Naidu also questioned with what authority a supervisory police officer could come to effect the arrest.
Naidu's lawyers argued with the police to submit the evidence before making the arrest. The Police asserted that all the details have been incorporated in the remand report. Chandrababu Naidu accused the police of trampling upon his fundamental rights. The mediapersons were not allowed to be present at the spot where the former chief minister was taken into custody.