Delhi: Andhra Pradesh stood top in seizure of ganja, accounting for over 2,00,588 kg out of the total 7,49,761 kg recovered across the country in 2021, as per the NCB report released for 2021. Over 26.5 percent of the total ganja seized in India was from AP during this period.
The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) report has revealed that AP and Odisha together accounted for 50 percent of the total ganja seized in the country. Odisha stood second only to its neighbouring State, AP, by recording 1,71,713 kg ganja seized as against 2,00,588 kg in AP.
Both AP and Odisha put together reported a seizure of over 3.72 lakh kg of ganja compared to 7.49 lakh kg recovered all over the country. At the same time, the NCB report said that over 18.14 kg of hashish, 6.13 liters of hashish oil, and 3 LSD blots were seized in Andhra Pradesh during 2021.