Amaravati (Andhra Pradesh) :The Andhra Pradesh Police has taken Jana Sena party president and actor Pawan Kalyan and its senior leader Nadendla Manohar into preventive custody in the NTR district of the State, a police official on Sunday. They are being shifted to Vijayawada city located in the Amaravati Capital region, he said, adding that no case has been lodged against them as of now.
Pawan Kalyan had condemned TDP chief N Chandrababu Naidu's arrest in a pre-dawn operation at Nandyala on Saturday. Kalyan attempted to head towards Vijayawada to convey his solidarity with the former chief minister. The police, however, managed to ensure that Kalyan's special flight to Vijayawada did not take off from Hyderabad, forcing the Janasena party chief to take the road route. His convoy was blocked in the NTR district twice on Saturday, forcing Kalyan to alight from his vehicle and walk towards Mangalagiri in Vijayawada.