Amaravati:The Andhra Pradesh CID police have registered a case against a 60-year-old woman for allegedly posting in social media, questions pertaining to the recent Styrene gas leak incident in Visakhapatnam, in which 12 people lost their lives and hundreds fell ill.
The CID is also investigating the role of a man, Malladi Raghunath in the matter.
"A case has been booked against the woman, P Ranganayaki, under IPC sections 505 (2) (making statements that create or promote enmity),153 (A) (indulging in wanton vilification), 188 (Disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant) and 120-B r/w 34 (criminal conspiracy)," a press release from the CID said on Tuesday.
When contacted P V Sunil Kumar, Additional DGP (CID) told that a notice under section 41 (A) of the CrPC (notice of appearance before police officer) was also served on her.
The woman in her social media account raised 20 questions such as why there were no arrests in the Vizag gas leak case and why the government allowed the leftover Styrene to be sent back to South Korea.
A senior police official claimed the woman was a TDP sympathiser.